Last month, Keto Goodies conducted a survey with over 8,000 community members to learn more about what is important to them. The responses were overwhelmingly positive and we are so humbled to be able to serve this growing community of UAE residents. Let’s take a look at what our members had to say about keto.
The team sifted through hundreds of responses to the survey that asked whether they felt the keto diet works for them, how long they have been on the low-carb diet, what are the most important factors when considering where to get keto-friendly products in the UAE.
The survey revealed that eight out of 10 people would recommend the keto diet to their friends and family, saying that the low-carb approach worked for them. The vast majority of respondents concluded that the method has helped them towards attaining their health and fitness goals.
Over 50% of the respondents have been on a low-carb diet for over a year. Many members said that they adopted the diet to reach their weight goal, eat healthier and limit the amount of carbs intake. A few members also stated that they had dietary requirements like diabetics looking for sugar-free snacks.
We also asked what matters the most to our members when choosing keto friendly products. 70% of the respondents said that quality was the most important factor when considering purchasing from a brand. Convenience of ordering was next, while price only ranked third on the list of importance.
Speaking about the results, CEO and founder of Keto Goodies, Francoise Albrando Crosbie said: “There is a simple reason why the keto community has grown across the UAE, the region and the world, and that’s because it works. Some people adopt a low-carb diet as a temporary method to achieve weight-loss goals, while others see it as a more transformational lifestyle. What’s clear from this survey is that people across the UAE believe a low-carb diet can deliver positive results.”
Didn’t get a chance to participate in the survey? Here is a link to the survey, we would love to know what you think about the keto diet and get your feedback!